Regretfully, I am no longer actively developing BeOS software. If anyone is interested in obtaining rights to the source code for any of my BeOS programs, contact me. The BeOS pages on this site are archival in nature.

ScannerBe Manual

Copyright © Jim Moy 1998, All Rights Reserved

Manual Version 1.0b2

ScannerBe is an API for applications that use image capture devices. In particular, it was designed for flatbed desktop scanners. By implementing the ScannerBe interface, an application can take advantage of multiple scanner makes and models without having to write scanner-dependent code. By writing a ScannerBe add-on, a scanner can be made available to these applications.

This "manual" is for developers as well as technically oriented users. There is an overview from both user and developer perspectives, a reference section for developers, and descriptions of the examples in the ScannerBe SDK.

Topics: User Experience Simple Application Add-on Notes
More Details More Control License
Examples: Command Line Image Editor Becasso Add-on
Reference: scan_get_version scan_get_settings scan_open_image
scan_get_addons scan_put_settings scan_close_image
scan_open scan_get_one_setting scan_data
scan_close scan_put_one_setting scan_adf_ready
scan_get_capabilities scan_start scan_error_message


For those familiar with scanning APIs, ScannerBe is somewhat of a cross between the Adobe Photoshop "acquire" plug-in interface, and the TWAIN scanning standard. It can act as a simple driver abstraction layer, or as a typical image editor plug-in with a user interface.

ScannerBe was designed to be easy for developers to implement, but also provide enough flexibility for reasonably sophisticated scanning applications. Various plug-in architectures provided by image editing applications such as Photoshop are fine for simple capture operations, but don't provide enough flexibility if, for example, you wanted to base a scanning utility on the API. More general APIs such as TWAIN or SANE, or even some of the manufacturer SDKs for their scanners provide quite a bit of flexibility, but there is also a steeper learning curve for implementation. Experience has shown that the addition of these features is typically an afterthought, and any learning curve which cannot be disguised in as a couple days work on "some other feature" is not generally well received.

The layer of code sandwiched between the application and the capture device is implemented as add-ons. Throughout the rest of this document these add-ons may be referred to as ScannerBe add-ons, scanner add-ons, or just add-ons.

User's Experience

If you are distributing an application that makes use of the ScannerBe API, the user doesn't have to see anything specific to ScannerBe except for your "Scan" menu item, button, or whatever UI feature which provides access to ScannerBe, and maybe a preferences applet to choose from more than one scanner. If ScannerBe is already installed on the system and is a recent enough version, you're already done with its installation.

ScannerBe can be installed separately with its own installer, or as part of an application's installer. A shared library goes in the ~/config/lib directory, and one or more add-ons go in the ~/config/add-ons/Scanner directory. The individual add-ons may require other files be installed as well, for example, any device drivers required.

If any of the ScannerBe add-ons provide a user interface, a preferences applet may also be installed. The applet allows the user to choose the "current" scanner. If none of the add-ons provide a user interface, then the applet is not needed. In this case, the application can either specify the required add-on by hard-coding it, or provide its own interface for selecting it.

More Details

The libscanbe shared library is what the application links. For the most part, it just passes the C-based API calls down to the add-on, and provides some convenience functions for the developer. The real meat of ScannerBe is in the reference section below, which is how the parties on both sides of the ScannerBe library agree to handle the transfer of an image.

An application links against the shared library, which then loads the appropriate add-ons on behalf of the API. In a typical image editor scenario, the application has provided a "Scanner..." item in its File menu. The add-on corresponding to the current scanner is loaded when this item is selected and the add-on interface is brought up. The user previews, adjusts, crops, etc., the image to their satisfaction and then clicks a "Scan" button (or whatever the feature is called in the given interface) the image appears in an image editing window, and then the ScannerBe add-on is either dismissed, or left around for another scan, according to the application's interface conventions.

Arbitrary restrictions in the library are avoided, to allow the add-on the most flexibility for the features of its particular device. This also places a bit more of a burden on the add-on writer to "get it right," for example, there is nothing in libscanbe preventing the application from trying to open multiple instances of a given add-on.

Libscanbe links against Jon Watte's libprefs library, so any installation must make sure it is present. For application writers, the interface is obtained by including ScannerBe.h, and linking They may also be interested in the ScanGlue.cpp and .h files for the glue code. Add-on writers will need ScanAddOn.h, which has the typedefs for the hooks they'll need to write, plus the declarations for the routines they'll need to export.

The ScannerBe API may also be accessed by an application by compiling the libscanbe module directly. One advantage of doing this is that the application will still run even if libscanbe is not present, if the user has not installed it. Of course, this will freeze the application's compatibility at the current version. To do this, you can #define SCANBE_SHARED_LIBRARY to 0 when libscanbe.cp compiles, either directly in the source, or in your precompiled header.

Simple Application

Some glue code is provided in the SDK in module ScanGlue, as an example of the use of the ScannerBe functions, and as a convenience for the developer in a hurry. With the glue code, a simple image editor can provide ScannerBe functionality with one function call:

BBitmap* GetScannerImage();

The GetScannerImage function will invoke the user-selected ScannerBe add-on, wait until the user has selected and scanned an image, and return it to the application in the form of a BBitmap. Since an add-on with a user interface may be modeless, one suggestion is to place this call in an overridden BLooper, which then allows your application to continue processing user input until a scan is started and finished.The BLooper can then notify whatever object is interested in the bitmap that it is ready.

A quick look at the glue code shows that GetScannerImage simply wraps a scan loop with a few other ScannerBe function calls. It is a good place to start to get a bit more control over the API. For example, if an application wanted to leave the add-on's user interface up for further scans or do some other processing, the glue code could be modified to suit..

If you want more control over the scanning process, you can use the ScannerBe API directly, which is still straightforward, but allows more flexibility. See the Skeeter application for an example of the type of thing that can be done; it is written entirely on top of the ScannerBe API.

More Control

Here is an outline of a typical scan using the ScannerBe native interface, if you're not doing anything interactive (using a "driver mode" add-on). For example, if you just want a full page of 300dpi thresholded data to do OCR or something like that. (without error checking, parameters, or other such details) you would say:

  1.  scan_open();
  2.  scan_put_settings();
  3.  scan_get_settings();
  4.  scan_open_image();
  5.  while( scan_data() != SCAN_DATA_END )
  6.      process_data();
  7.  scan_close_image();
  8.  scan_close();

The scan sequence described above is fleshed out in more detail in the CommandLine example, described later. The steps are as follows:

1. Open a ScannerBe add-on. This can be selected either by name, if you know you want a particular scanner ahead of time, or by the user, if they've used the Scanner prefs applet to select a scanner. The add-on is then loaded, and you get back a scan_id identifier which you pass to the rest of the API functions.
2. A convenience function in the API allows you to fill in a structure with all of the scan parameters, and send them down to the add-on all at once. These include image type, resolution, scan window, etc.
3. Another convenience function, this allows you to query the add-on for the kind of image that will be returned, based on the settings given in the previous step. These are width, height, and bytes per row of image data.
4. This step simply lets the add-on know that you're ready to start reading image data. Having the open/close image pair is mostly for the convenience of the add-on writer, and makes it explicit that you're done with this scan.
5. The scan loop reads buffers of data from the add-on. You specify how much data you want at a time. This is a good time to check for user cancellation, update progress indicators, etc.
6. You process the image data in this step. Maybe you just want to write it to a file. Maybe you want to pad it, process it, sample it, whatever.
7. You're done with this image.
8. Done with the scan, unload the add-on.

The following is an outline of how you might use the API in an image editor to capture an image with a ScannerBe add-on that supports a user interface, allowing the user to adjust the parameters of the scan.

  while( scan_data() != SCAN_DATA_END )

The variation from the previous example is the scan_start() call, which informs the add-on that it should put up its interface and wait for the user. In the interface there should be a "trigger" such as a "Scan" button or its equivalent which kicks off the scanning process. When that trigger has occurred, the call returns and the rest of the ScannerBe functions can be called to retrieve the image.

Note that scan_start() doesn't return until the user indicates they're satisfied with the settings, which means that the calling application will either have to place the sequence in a separate thread (or BLooper, as suggested previously) so it can continue to process messages while the user is interacting with the add-on. Another option is to put up a modal dialog window, but that's more "yucky."

Also note there is no scan_put_settings() call. If a ScannerBe add-on puts up a user interface, you may assume that it will make all settings appropriately based on the user's interaction. The scan_get_settings() call is then useful to find out what the user did, and whether you want to continue based on that input.

More help can be found in the examples included in the SDK, and are described below. They're the best place to go next, to accompany the following reference section.


Access to the ScannerBe API is normally through the shared library.

void scan_get_version( scan_version *version );

Retrieves the version of the libscanbe shared library that has been loaded. Compare the returned values to the constants in ScannerBe.h to determine if you should call any of the other functions. In general, if the library is older than the header file constants by only the incr field, then only bug fixes have been made to the library and you should still be able to use it. If the major or minor fields are older, then you probably want to warn the user to update to a newer version of the library.

Another alternative would be to have them re-install your software, which is probably going to be installing libscanbe anyways. In this scenario, your user may have installed some other software which placed an older version.

Note: the version of the scanner add-on is returned by the scan_open() function, and can also be found using the scan_get_addons() function.

status_t scan_get_addons( ScanAddonProc callback, void *data );

Traverses the scanner add-on directory, calling the function referenced in the callback parameter for each valid add-on file. The directory is ~/config/add-ons/Scanner, and add-on files are ones with a BEOS:TYPE attribute of "application/x-be-executable".

The ScanAddonProc function type includes as one of its parameters a pointer to a structure which has the path to the file, flags indicating whether it supports the two modes of operation, and some information which can be displayed to the user.

This function is intended for information gathering only. For example, an application which wants to use only the driver mode add-ons can look at the flags for the add-on which indicate whether it supports a user interface. An add-on must be loaded using the scan_open() call to create a valid scan session. Manipulating the add-on once you've located it with this function does not substitute for the API call.

See the source code for libscanbe for an example of how to use this function.

status_t scan_open( const char* name, scan_id* id, scan_version *version );

Opens a scanner add-on and prepares to perform a scan. The name parameter specifies a particular add-on to use, otherwise if NULL it uses the add-on selected by the user in the Scanner preferences applet. Any scan session opened by this call should be balanced with a call to scan_close().

When the return code is B_OK, the add-on has been opened successfully, and an identifier for the new scan session has been placed in the location referenced by the parameter id. This identifier is what you pass to the rest of the functions in the API and uniquely identifies the scan session. If the same add-on is specified in another scan_open() call before the first one has been scan_close()'d, it opens a separate scan session if the add-on supports it.

The values placed in the structure referenced by the version parameter are the values specified by the add-on. Contrasted to the values returned in scan_get_version(), which return the values for the libscanbe shared library. You may pass NULL if you don't need the information.

Names available from the installed add-ons can be found via the scan_get_addons() function by passing a callback function which opens the add-on and queries its names with its publish_scanners() routine.

status_t scan_close( const scan_id id );

Closes the scan session associated with id, and unloads the add-on. If scan_open_image() has been called, then scan_close_image() is called for you. After making this call, the scan session identified by id no longer references anything meaningful, and the API calls will return an error if you pass it to them.

status_t scan_get_capabilities( const scan_id id, scan_settings_mask *mask );

Returns a set of flags in the location referenced by the parameter mask which indicate the kinds of settings the scanner add-on supports. The scan_setting_id constants represent the bits in the mask. Once you know which ones are supported, you can make appropriate use of the put/get settings functions below.

status_t scan_get_settings( const scan_id id, scan_settings *current, scan_settings *minimum, scan_settings *maximum );

Returns the current settings for the given scan session, and the minimum and maximum settings supported by the current scanner add-on. You can pass NULL to any of the parameters if you don't need that information.

All settings are typed according to the corresponding field type in the scan_settings structure. Their meanings are described in the scan_get_one_setting() function section below.

This is actually implemented in libscanbe as a series of calls to the scan_get_one_setting() function, so you should make the appropriate tradeoffs between the settings you are interested in, and any performance issues associated with the device with which you are communicating. For example, continuously querying the image extents while you are dragging a scaling slider around is probably best done with calls to scan_get_one_setting() rather than using this function, because you don't care about how the other settings change, and doing so would take up quite a bit more time.

status_t scan_put_settings( const scan_id id, scan_settings *settings, scan_settings_mask *mask );

This is primarily a convenience function for dumping an entire group of settings to the add-on with one call. The scan_settings structure contains all the fields which can be filled in. Note though, that some of the fields are meant to be read-only, returned by scan_get_settings(). Any fields which are not supported by the add-on, as returned by scan_get_capabilities(), will be ignored.

The location referenced by the mask parameter will receive flags indicating which settings have changed as a result of the operation. See scan_put_one_setting() for more details.

Like scan_get_settings(), this is implemented in libscanbe as a series of calls to scan_put_one_setting(), and so should not be used with indifference to performance tradeoffs.

status_t scan_get_one_setting( const scan_id id, const scan_setting_id setting, const scan_setting_kind setting_kind, scan_value *value_ptr );

Retrieves a setting from the scanner add-on. This may be a current value for the scan session, or a minimum/maximum value, depending on the constant passed to setting_kind.

The value_ptr parameter is a pointer to the location where the returned value will be stored. It's type can be found by looking at the field in the scan_settings structure which corresponds to the setting you are querying; use the field in the scan_value union which matches that type. For example:

  scan_value value;
  scan_get_one_setting( id, SCAN_SETTING_AREA,SCAN_SETTING_CURRENT, &value );
  scan_rect rect = value.rect;

will place the current scan window in the rect variable. The following list describes the meaning of the scan_setting_id constants:

SCAN_SETTING_AREA Specifies what portion of the scanner bed should be scanned. It is in 300dpi coordinates. This value is absolute, i.e., it does not change with the resolution and scaling settings, which are reflected in the width and height values below. The min/max settings are the smallest and largest window that may be specified, respectively
SCAN_SETTING_IMAGETYPE One of the scan_type constants, specifying what kind of data will be returned from the scanner. The image data formats are described in the section for scan_data().
SCAN_SETTING_PIXELBITS The number of bits per pixel. Always 1 for binary data. When divided by 3 for RGB data it gives the number of bits per sample. If a scanner supports multiple RGB depths, a good way to find out what the intermediate ones are is to increment from 16 or 24 by 2, and see when you get a SCAN_BAD_PARAM back from scan_put_one_setting().
SCAN_SETTING_RESOLUTION Resolution of the scan in pixels per inch.
SCAN_SETTING_BRIGHTNESS Scanner-defined values representing the y-intercept of a scanner tonemap line. Typically a range of 0 to 255 or -127 to +127, but it can be anything so long as there is a continuum of integral values between the ones returned for the min/max values.
SCAN_SETTING_CONTRAST Scanner-defined value representing the slope of a scanner tonemap line. Same comments as for brightness.
SCAN_SETTING_SCALING A scaling factor in percent.
SCAN_SETTING_WIDTH Width of the image to be scanned, in pixels. You can only "get" its current value, no other operation is supported.
SCAN_SETTING_HEIGHT Number of rows of image data, in pixels. You can only "get" its current value, no other operation is supported.
SCAN_SETTING_ROWBYTES Number of bytes per row of image data. You can only "get" its current value, no other operation is supported.
SCAN_SETTING_TONEMAP An array of int32 words which can be downloaded to the scanner so that it can perform its own tonemapping. An int32 preceeding the array specifies the number of elements in the array, and also implies the maximum value of any of the array members. For example, if the first byte in this data is 256, then each element in the ensuing array should fit in an unsigned 8-bit word with a maximum value of 255.

If set, this overrides the values of brightness and contrast described above. The same tonemap is used for all three channels in the RGB case.

SCAN_SETTING_TONEMAP3 Three consecutive arrays of integers specifying the tonemap for the RGB channels. An int32 preceeds the three arrays and describes the array elements just like in the SCAN_SETTING_TONEMAP case.

If set, this overrides the values of brightness and contrast described above.

SCAN_SETTING_SPECIFIC Any scanner-specific information that needs to be traded between the application and scanner which is not supported directly by the ScannerBe API. It's type is the void* field in the scan_value union.

status_t scan_put_one_setting( const scan_id id, const scan_setting_id setting, scan_value *value_ptr, scan_settings_mask *mask );

Changes a current setting. See the section above for scan_get_one_setting for descriptions of the scan_setting_id values, and the usage of the scan_value data type.

After this function returns, the location referenced by parameter mask will contain a bit field indicating the side effects of the operation. That is, changing one of the current scan parameters may affect other settings, or their min/max capabilities. Scan_get_one_setting() or scan_get_settings() may then be called to find out the new values.

If a setting is made before a scan_start call, the ScannerBe add-on has the option of customizing its user interface based on those presets. For example, if you set the image type to grayscale and the resolution to 100dpi, the add-on can preset its user interface to those settings when it is initially shown, or maybe even freeze the controls such that the user cannot change them. This is an additional feature an add-on may want to implement, but it is not required. As an application writer, however, you must assume the user will be allowed to change these values, and you must query the add-on after scan_start() returns. There is no way to restrict settings to a certain set or range or set of values.

status_t scan_start( const scan_id id );

Instructs the add-on to display its user interface and wait for user selection of the scan parameters. This function does not return until the user has taken the appropriate action to invoke a scan, clicking a "Scan" button, for example.

It does nothing if the add-on does not support a user interface, and can be left out in this case. If an add-on supports both driver and UI modes, then make sure you don't call it when you don't want the user interface to show.

status_t scan_open_image( const scan_id id ), status_t scan_close_image( const scan_id id );

Begins and ends the scan of a single image. After scan_open_image, the current settings are "locked in," and any calls to scan_put_one_setting (and, therefore, scan_put_settings) will return an error code. If a scan is canceled by the user, make sure to call call scan_close_image (or scan_close) to clean up. These two routines also bracket each "page" of a scan loop, for example, if you are keying off of scan_adf_ready to scan multiple pages.

status_t scan_data( const scan_id id, void *buffer, int32 *count );

Retrieves the image data from the scanner add-on. Pass a pointer to the location where image data should be returned in the buffer parameter, and place the size of the buffer in bytes in the location referenced by count.

When the function returns, count contains the actual number of bytes of image data that has been returned, which is always in whole rows of image data. The add-on will calculate the number of rows of image data that will fit into the buffer. This function should be called repeatedly, and when the return code is SCAN_DATA_END, the scan is complete and there is no more image data to transfer.

Image data is only padded on row boundaries in the case of thresholded black and white data, in which case a row always starts on the next byte. A 0 represents white in thresholded data (one bit per pixel), and black in gray or color data. Gray and color data are big-endian. Color data is always represented as interleaved RGB, with red in the most significant bits. Conversions to this format are the burden of the add-on writer.

bool scan_adf_ready( const scan_id id );

If the scanner has an automatic document feeder attached to it which is loaded with pages to scan, and is ready to feed them to the scanner, then this function returns true. It assumes that on the next scan, the ADF will load the next page to scan.

void scan_error_message( const scan_id id, status_t error_id, char *msg );

If one of the ScannerBe functions returns an error code, calling this will return an appropriate error message in the buffer referenced by the msg parameter. A scanner add-on implements this to provide the most informative error message for a given scanner. It will always return a message since libscanbe will default to a generic "scanner error" message if both it and the current scanner add-on failed to recognize the error code.

Add-on Notes

The interface for writing a ScannerBe add-on is found in ScanAddOn.h, and most of the information needed can be implied from the previous API reference. The add-on interface is not exactly like the API, but is mostly like it. Here are some additional notes on areas which may not be clear, plus a few things unique to the add-ons..


The model is derived from the BeOS Device Kit. A structure of pointers to "hook" functions is defined in your implementation, and libscanbe locates this structure via the publish_scanners() and find_scanners() functions. The publish function returns an array of names by which a logical scanning device can be identified, while find function returns the block of hook functions which implement the API.

One difference compared to the BeOS driver model is in the array of names returned by the publish_scanners() function. In ScannerBe the even indexed entries are the internal names of the add-ons which are passed to scan_open(), and should be similar to application signatures. The odd indexed entries are the user-consumable names which, for add-ons with an interface, will appear in the Scanner prefs applet. For example, an add-on might return the following array in response to publish_scanners():

	[0] "application/x-vnd.jbm-flatbed"
	[1] "Brand X Flatbed Series Scanners, v1.0"
	[2] "application/x-vnd.jbm-multifunction"
	[3] "Brand Y Multifunction Units, v1.0.1"

In this case, the add-on supports two kinds of scanning devices. Entries at index 0 and 2 are passed to scan_open() to identify the device to open a scanning session, and the entries at index 1 and 3 can be used for whatever purpose, for example, displaying in a preferences dialog if for some reason you don't care to install the Scanner prefs applet. Arranging the names in this fashion is primarily to allow the add-on writer to present support for multiple scanners to the user, even though the same add-on is being used. It can be used for whatever other reason too.

The add-on hook functions get_setting and put_setting should be implemented with efficiency in mind, since they may be called frequently by the application. For example, the scaling or scan window may be set repeatedly based on control input from the user, and the add-on should be able to respond as quickly as possible with updated width and height information on subsequent queries.


The Scanner prefs applet finds which of the add-ons supports a user interface by looking at a resource in the add-on's file. It is a single long integer in resource type 'GUIF' and id 0. This can be generated by using the following line in a .r file if you are using the mwbres tool from Metrowerks:

resource( 'GUIF', 0, "GUI flag" ) { 1, 0 }

There are two integers, each one a flag that should be 1 or 0. The first indicates it supports and user interface, and the second indicates it supports being used as a driver only. Add-ons can be both, or just one. This way the prefs applet can identify the flags without actually opening any add-ons with scan_open(), which might require a scanner be present.


Note that the Target panel in the Project Settings may not be set up to process .r files with mwbres. You may have to make an entry for file type "text/*", extension "r", tool "mwbres", and flag "Postlink Stage" before a .r file in your project will automatically generate the resource and add it to the final add-on file.


The examples show ScannerBe used in different situations. The source code is included in the ScannerBe SDK. As mentioned above, the ScanGlue module has more source code to read and use. Here is an overview of what is in the source code.

Addon Skeleton

This skeleton shows how you might implement a scanner add-on. It doesn't actually do anything, but it has in place most everything you have to worry about other than actually talking to your scanner. For example, it shows how to setup the publish_scanners() and find_scanner() routines that libscanbe uses to find the entry points into the add-on, and how the strings are defined so it can be displayed in the Scanner Prefs applet.

In this particular case, the gui_flag.r file defines flags which say that its name will not show up in the Scanner Prefs applet, but you can see that Skeeter makes use of driver-mode add-ons, and should be able to see it show up in the Skeeter scanner selection window. If you switch the flags around, you can see it show up in the Scanner Prefs applet.

The prefs_info.r file defines a string which shows up when you double-click an entry in the Scanner Prefs applet. It is here as an example, depending on how you define the flags in the gui_flags.r file.

Notice how the ScanAddOnProto.h file is used to declare the function names for the entry points that libscanbe calls into the add-on. You, of course, don't have to use the same function names, all you have to do is change the names of the prototypes, and which appear in the my_scanner_hooks structure.

You will probably want to change the way the my_cookie structure is used. This is just an example of how you might coordinate the calculation of the number of whole lines which will fit into the data buffer passed in by the caller, which every add-on has to do.

Becasso Add-on

As of the 1.0b2 release of the ScannerBe SDK, Becasso 1.1, which includes image acquisition add-on support, has not been released yet. The source code for this add-on example was based on an early development version of Becasso, and so it may need some revision when Becasso is finally released.

The Becasso add-on example is a little bit more complicated, because you have to read the Becasso add-on spec at the same time and understand both it and the ScannerBe interface. But once that's done, it's an interesting example of how to make a ScannerBe add-on do something that doesn't appear on the surface to "fit" the two designs.

ScannerBe assumes an application is going to try to "pull" an image from a scanner. You makes calls via the ScannerBe API to setup the scanner, then make repeated calls to get subseqent image buffers from it. Becasso, on the other hand, wants to be "pushed" the image, i.e., when you're ready to send it an image, you notify it, then it calls you to retrieve the image. In this case, the source code and accompanying comments explains best how the ScannerBe calls are used to accomplish the task.

Command Line

As its name implies, the application produced by this project is meant to be run on a command line in a Terminal window. It prints out the status of its operation as it scans the full scanner bed, and passes the image along to the Datatypes library to convert into a Targa file.

In one function, do_scan() it does a complete ScannerBe set of function calls, opening the add-on, the scan_data loop, and post-processing the image in Datatypes. Not exactly the model of good programming practice, but it concisely shows most of the API calls in use. It also uses a mix of the stdio library routines for saving to disk, and the Be Storage Kit routines for interfacing to the Datatypes library.

Image Editor

This example displays a BView in a BWindow, and if you click in the view it invokes the scanning process via the native ScannerBe API, and displays the resulting scanned image in the view by converting the scanned data into a BBitmap. It is a straightforward example of using the ScannerBe calls to transfer the image into a BBitmap. If you're looking for the fastest way to get an image into your application though, check out the Simple Image Editor example.

Simple Image Editor

This example is like the Image Editor example, except it encapsulates the entire ScannerBe API into a single function call contained in the ScanGlue module, as described earlier in this document. It's the quickest way to implement ScannerBe support in your application, though you might end up tweaking the ScanGlue module for the particular needs of your editor. You can start here, and as you gain more familiarity with the API, modify it to suit your needs.


The ScannerBe shared library is freely distributable. The source code for it is available in the SDK, which is also re-distributable if unmodified and kept in its entirety. I intend to place the source code for the library in the public domain if it becomes generally useful, but until such time I remain the copyright holder. Please inform me of any fixes or enhancements and I will manage the maintenance releases.

ScannerBe Manual v1.0b2 2/25/98 Copyright © Jim Moy 1998, All Rights Reserved